nurturing maidens mothering mothers

here to remind you of your power

to soften, to heal, to receive, to thrive. by holding the space for you energetically and physically, and listening (with my ears as well as my hands), my intention is to walk alongside you on your journey and offer gentle support, reminding your body of its own capacity for healing.

whether you’re wanting to improve your physical & emotional wellbeing, work on your menstrual health, address body-based traumas, bring more ritual and ceremony into your life to celebrate the transitions you’ve gone through, or ongoing care as you navigate preconception, pregnancy and the postpartum, i hope to create an experience where you feel supported to get to where you want to be.

how would you like to be held?

bodywork offerings & ceremonies

body-based therapies, abdominal massage, energetic bodywork, matrescence ceremonies and closing ceremonies

menstrual & preconception support

bodywork and coaching to work on menstrual issues, disorders, and improve reproductive health in preparation for conception

pregnancy & postpartum support

birth education, companionship and emotional support throughout your pregnancy, practical, hands-on support in your postpartum

what our clients are saying

Sarah S.

midwife, bodyworker

As a bodyworker, I seem to be more hesitant to seek bodywork out for myself. When the opportunity came up to be held by Tania, I didn't think twice. Straight away I felt safe to be vulnerable and held by her energy.  Tania took a comprehensive history before our session. The massage itself was very wholesome. She felt very connected to my body's needs and I felt like I was floating in deep relaxation. I would highly recommend treating yourself to bodywork from Tania. 

Laura S.B.

mother, doula

I have had the pleasure of receiving bodywork from Tania several times over the past few years as well as being the recipient of pregnancy and postpartum care. I have found Tania to be extremely knowledgeable as well as gentle and respectful and couldn’t recommend working with Tania any higher! 

Sarah B.

mother, designer

Tania’s incredible warmth and skill was so welcomed as part of my postpartum healing. She came to my home and gave me truly some of the most nourishing bodywork I’ve ever had. She made it easy for me to feed my new baby as needed throughout the session which was so appreciated. Never rushed, always supportive, Tania brings a beautifully calm, but engaging energy and held exactly the kind of healing space I needed! Can’t wait to have another session with her.

Sanne D.

mother, birthworker

Tania made me feel like I landed back in my body. I felt relaxed, energised, restored and so light after my session. I love how intuitively Tania worked. I felt such a shift in me. Medicine! I highly recommend!